Internal Glass Doors, Different Glazing Options And Their Benefits.

Design Advice

While internal glass doors offer incredible aesthetic and functional benefits, the type of glazing you select will impact everything from safety and durability to acoustics and privacy. Let us guide you through the most common glazing options for internal glass doors and outline the key considerations and benefits of each.

Toughened Glass

One of the most popular and economical choices, toughened or tempered glass is mandatory for many internal glass door installations due to its enhanced safety properties. During the tempering process, the glass undergoes thermal or chemical reinforcement which increases its strength compared to standard annealed glass by about 4-5 times. If broken, it crumbles into small, relatively harmless pellets instead of shattering into hazardous shards – making it ideal for high-traffic areas and rooms used by children or pets. However, toughened glass does not provide any sound insulation benefits.

Laminated Glass

Laminated glazing consists of two or more sheets of glass bonded together with an inner layer of heavy plastic or resin interlayer. This construction makes the glass up to 5 times stronger and incredibly difficult to penetrate, providing increased security and resistance to both blunt force and bullets. Laminated glass is also better at blocking UV rays by about 99% compared to standard glazing. This extremely durable option is smart for entries, exterior doors, and families seeking enhanced home safety. Additionally, the plastic interlayer helps reduce noise transfer.

Obscured or Textured Glass

For internal doors where you desire both natural light transference and privacy, obscured or textured glass are great options to consider. These glazing styles have a built-in opaque finish like frosting, etching, or even subtle patterns that distort clarity while still allowing an ample amount of natural light through. They are perfect for bathroom, bedroom, or office door installations where you want illumination without compromising privacy. Many textured glasses also have some sound-dampening properties.

Double or Triple Glazing

If acoustics, energy efficiency, and thermal insulation are priorities, you’ll want to consider internal double or even triple glazed doors. These units consist of two or three panes of glass sandwiched together with insulating air or gas filled chambers. This advanced construction dramatically reduces heat transfer by up to 50% and significantly lowers noise pollution between internal spaces compared to single glazing. Though a pricier investment, these high-performance doors are ideal for peaceful, well-insulated environments.

Low-Iron or Clear Glass

For spaces where you want to maximize visible light and enjoy crystal clear views, low-iron glazing is the premium choice. Standard clear glass often has a slight green tint, but low-iron glass has minimal color thanks to lower ferric oxide levels. This results in the most colorless, transparent glazing option to brighten adjoining spaces and provide unobstructed sight lines. Low-iron glass is a luxurious yet simple way to enhance interior brightness and views.

Polyglas by Patishon

This proprietary glazing option is a lightweight yet incredibly strong glazing material. It offers enhanced thermal and acoustic insulation up to 30% better than standard toughened glass while remaining virtually shatterproof for maximum safety. Polyglas doors weigh up to 50% less than traditional glazing, making installation easier while delivering best-in-class durability.